Pedro Pablo Johnson

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D.O.B.  – Dec 20, 1994.

PLACE OF BIRTH – Tubutama, Sonora, Mexico.

HEIGHT – Growing.

BUILD – Normal.

HAIR COLOR – Dark brown, not quite black.

EYE COLOR – Dark brown.

DISTINGUISHING MARKS – Mental rather than physical.

FAMILY – Yaqui descendants. All murdered at their home by Najma in what became known as the Tubutama Massacre.

Natural Father – Don Pablo.

Adopted Father – James L. Johnson who Pedro had an immediate affinity for during the shoot-out at the cartel’s Tubutama hacienda. Pedro as much adopted Jim as Jim did Pedro.

Adopted Mother – Heather Asplund.

Natural Mother – Rosita Pablo.

Brothers – Roberto La Cuchillo, The Blade, Miguel

Younger sister – Rosita (named after her mother) Pablo.

Older sister – Maria Pablo.

Older brother – Miguel.

Unofficial Adopted Grand Father – Old Man Shuskin (Tom) who Pedro enduringly refers to as Grankin.

Unofficial Adopted Grand Mother – Lola.

Best Friend – Ben.

PERSONALITY– Dichotomist as he has been exposed at too young of age to the less good in humans and takes comfort in finding there is a good side to compensate. Precocious, good with languages, sensitive but still a boy who wants to learn to fight properly. Loves animals, perhaps underneath he trusts them more than people. He needs love and closeness and finds outside of his immediate family and close friends it is hard to love and respect others. The cartel instilled in him that humans have the capacity for evil. He buries his experiences in Tubutama well and with Najma and the death of his family and adopted mother Heather but they will always lurk just under the surface.

HOBBIES – Loves helicopters. Being alive, feeling loved, his animal friends and learning martial arts. And from his adopted mother he has an enduring passion to learn about plants and their medicinal effects.

PETS – Rosie O Twisp, Wolf Canyon Ranch Irish Wolfhound with fond memories of his first dog and companion in Tubutama – Rojizo, an old yellow mut possibly a yellow Labrador. It was speculated that Rojizo came from the north to her adopted family when Pedro was a baby. Shot and killed by Najma before killing his family. Rojizo and Rosie both hold the distinction of being shot, however Rosie survived. Tinker the deer. The new baby llama he named Blue Suede Shoes.

MODUS OPERANDI – In development.

BOOKS APPEARS IN – Over The Line, Out Of Time, Ecuador, Nemesis, and Remilious.


Favorite Books – From his adopted parents a love of books. The Burgess book of Animals and Birds, The New Larouse Encyclopedia of Animals (a favorite of Jims), a book given to him by Heather, the Enchanted Forest, Kim, The Jungle Book, City of Beasts by Isabel Alende.

Favorite Movies – Star Trek and Stars Wars,

Favorite Animal – Rosie O Twisp, Wolf Canyon Ranch Irish Wolfhound. Followed closely by a deer fawn; Tinker Tot and a baby llama imprinted on Pedro from birth; Blue Suede Shoes.

Favorite llama – New baby he named Blue Suede Shoes and Pipestone.

Favorite music – Music has not played a part yet in his life.

Favorite weapon – Hand self-defense. Hoping that his adopted dad will teach him the art of fighting.