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Dr Barbara Milton

Dr Barbara Milton

Amazon author site


D.O.B. ─ February 28, 1955.     PLACE OF BIRTH – Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

HEIGHT – 5 feet 9 inches.

BUILD ─ Slender with strong bone structure.

HAIR COLOR – Medium length, straight brown with graying sides starting at the temples. Often wears makeup.


Partner ─ None currently. Prefers to live alone. Has never had a long lasting relationship. She questions if she understands how they work.

Family ─ Grandparents emigrated from Finland.

PERSONALITY ─ Very private, reliable, analytical, excellent manager, task master, expects superior work habits and laboratory procedures, not easily flustered. Carefully follows rules and procedures. Achieves results through linear and logical thinking and planning. Had one lesbian affair but does not think of herself as bisexual. She has had only two male relationships. the longest with her PhD mentor. As an early college student experimented with drugs and attended with her girlfriend, as an observer, fetish parties. Tried wearing rubber clothes and admitted they had an interesting feel.

HOBBIES – Reading, movies at home, orchids.

PETS – None.

EDUCATION – BSc University of Wisconsin, microbiology, PhD Harvard University, microbiology and virology. Thesis  – Pathology of virus and bacteria transmissible diseases between vertebrate animals and humans.

OCCUPATION – Specialist researcher in molecular biology, evolution, zoonotic and tropical diseases.

CAREER – Full Professor at Harvard Medical School. Biological Warfare Laboratory supervisor, Fort Lewis, Washington. Reputation as a top researcher. Head of the 152 scientists and technicians at the Bio Warfare Laboratories.

MODUS OPERANDI – Plan, organize, execute. Rigorously test hypotheses.

BOOKS APPEARS IN – Off The Edge; Over The Line; Out Of Time, Ecuador, Nemesis, and Remilious.


Favorite Books – Rarely reads novels except on vacation and secretly prefers Sci-fi thrillers.

Favorite Journals ─ Science, Nature, Journal of Virology, PLoS Pathogens, Reviews in Medical Virology, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Favorite Movies – Watches movies as a distraction from work and science, especially Sci-Fi thrillers ─ Alien, Aliens, Terminator, Robocop, Blade Runner, Mad Max, Contact, All Star Trek movies. Star Wars. Also liked Sunset Boulevard, The Killing of Sister George, Paris Was a Woman, Basic Instinct, Frida, Cabaret.

Favorite Plants ─ Orchids, bromeliads, and cactus.

Favorite Countries ─ Likes Italy. Extensive travel to professional conferences while at Harvard and as a graduate student. Mostly to Europe and in the United States including Hawaii. Has been to Japan and New Zealand. Does not want to travel to equatorial regions where the pathogens she studies exist.

Favorite music – Uses music only as background . Not particular, except likes Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds and Ella Fitzgerald.

Favorite weapon – Has never fired a weapon but if she could it would be a laser pistol. Carries Mace on her key chain. She has never had occasion to use it.