Jasper Neilly
Nickname Rock Solid no middle name.
D.O.B. – September 23, 1966.
PLACE OF BIRTH – Flint, Michigan.
HEIGHT – Five feet ten inches.
BUILD – Lean and fit.
EYE COLOR – Brown.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS – Shrapnel scar left shoulder. Burn scar on right arm above inner wrist. Scars on right leg shin from compound fracture.
Mother – Mary Farah Neilly a professor of at the University of Michigan, Flint.
Father – Douglas Robert Neilly a systems instructor at General Motors Technical Institute.
Brothers – Christopher, William, Bruce.
PERSONALITY – Contemplative, decisions based on facts. Solid judgement and demeanor from whence his nickname “Rock Solid” was aquired.
HOBBIES – Building electronic devices. Reading popular science, and ancient Middle East texts. Archery.
PETS – None.
EDUCATION – Received a BA in Middle Eastern studies, and then a scholarship to Yale where he completed a MS degree in Comparative Literature while also studying Classical Arabic at the Macmillan Center, Council of Middle East Studies. CIA recruited him at Yale.
OCCUPATION – Major, US army Special Forces (SF). Officially attached to the 7th Special Forces special operations command.
CAREER – Enlisted in the army. Infantry training at Fort Gordon followed by jump school at Fort Benning. Disillusioned with the army he resigned and enrolled at Michigan State University followed by Yale University. The CIA recruited him at Yale University. With his army background they had him re-enlist and go to Fort Bragg for Special Forces training. His first assignment with an A team was in Afghanistan. He was commissioned as an officer when the CIA recruited him from Special Forces to their elite Special Activities Division (SAD) where he worked for two years. He then moved back to SF where with his A team worked on unique assignments including the Biological Warfare Center.
MODUS OPERANDI – To always do the best he can. To solve problems. Protect his men and women. To obey all lawful orders. His experience with his first enlistment was disappointing as his commanders di not use good nor compassionate judgement. He endeavors not to follow in their footsteps. He maintains his skills at a top level and expects any member of his team to do the same. He is dedicated. Terminating life is part of his job. He does not mind eliminating undesirables. That rule does not extend to eliminating people for political gain.
BOOKS APPEARS IN – Off The Edge; Over The Line; Out of Time, Ecuador, and Nemesis.
Favorite helicopter – Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk.
Favorite Books – Lawrence in Arabia, Faisal I of Iraq, From Beirut to Jerusalem, A History of the Arab People, Enchiridion, The Bible, The Dalai Lama’s Book of Wisdom, Quran, Echo Park, The Black Ice, Void Moon, The Moonstone, Rebecca, Murder Must Advertise, Fatal Skin, Light in August,
Favorite Movies – Likes classic movies – Alfred Hitchcock old war movies. Also contemporary war movies and espionage movies. Historical documentaries. History movies especially the Middle East. Some favorites – Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge on the River Kwai, Apocalypse Now, North by Northwest.
Favorite Play – Enemy of the People, As You Like It, A Mid Summer’s Night Dream, Death of a Salesman, A Dolls House, Crucible, Hedda Gabler, Twelfth Night, The Seagull, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf, Oedipus Rex, The Glass Menagerie, Waiting For Godot, Goats, Solitaire.
Favorite music – Opera, classical, folk. He has a full collection Puntamayo world music CDs.
Favorite weapon – H & K MP5 and MP7, M4 carbine, M79 grenade launcher. Believes in reliable weapons even if old school. Crossbow – his interest stems from archery and its ancient use as a silent killer.