Martin Pearson

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Nickname – Thumbless, his newly acquired nickname at the CIA.

D.O.B. – January 31, 1959.

PLACE OF BIRTH – Harlem, New York

HEIGHT – Five feet 10 inches.

BUILD – Medium frame. Tended toward being overweight. After his personality adjustment at the hands of Najma, he lost weight and remains trim.

HAIR COLOR – Brown with gray at the temples.

EYE COLOR – Brown.

DISTINGUISHING MARKS – False left ear, missing his right thumb from the joint leaving a stump. Hair slightly thinning but not receding yet.

FAMILY – Father, Lavern Pearson, worked for a security company, first as a guard and later as a manager. Mother Catherine Pearson, from Nebraska never worked after her marriage. One older brother, Bob, who died in a car accident when he was 17 years old. His mother’s family were immigrants from France

PERSONALITY – Confident with a hidden intelligence. During much of his adult life he was a kidder, until his capture and torture by Najma. In the back of his mind, he still questions how he was able to escape. His personality took a dramatic turn after the events in Mexico, and he became serious, allowing his natural intelligence to shine and wearing his reputation as a heroic operative with humility. The torture experience at the hands of Najma had brought him a new reputation, a mystique, a new life meaning. Early in his life a bit of a philanderer. Later in life, even before his capture, he avoided most women. He didn’t trust either women or men outside his work, except for some old college friends. He skipped a social life and buried himself in his work.

HOBBIES – Technology. He embraces the latest tech gadgets and computers.

PETS – Tropical fish, he’s especially fond of cichlids and also thought about going to Lake Victoria where they originate.

EDUCATION – Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and French literature from

City University New York, CUNY.

OCCUPATION – Deputy Director of Intelligence, CIA.

CAREER – Recruited by the CIA while at City College New York. He was fluent in French and his first assignment was in Guiana. A junior analyst and field agent who rose through the ranks because of his skills but was held back because of his sardonic humor, nevertheless he rose to the second highest position in the CIA’s Intelligence group working under Bertrand Gupta.

MODUS OPERANDI – Dedicated to his work as an analyst. Never political or ambitious, his skills have propelled his career and ingratiated him with his superiors as they do not feel threatened by him.

BOOKS APPEARS IN – Over the Line, Out of Time, Ecuador, Nemesis, and Remilious.

OTHER INFORMATION – While in captivity at the cartel hacienda in Tubutama, Mexico Martin had his left ear severed, a tiny slice removed from his nickname for his penis – he always referred to as Artful (a barely visible scar remaining), and part of his thumb severed leaving a stump. There were rumors about his missing personal part, but he kept the extent a secret. An unresolved mystery to CIA personnel. His ear was successfully replaced and barely noticeable, however he refused to have his thumb rebuilt and wore it as a badge of honor. One of the only CIA employees to be held and tortured in captivity. It changed his reputation along with his personality. Dedicated coffee drinker.

Favorite animal – He likes dogs and would love to have one, especially a Jack Russell. However, his job prevents him having time to care for one. He hasn’t had one since his the dog (a Jack Russell terrier) he had a teenager and kept through college  as a constant companion died.

Favorite book – Reads French literature when he has time. Especially Guillaume Musso thrillers. Other favorites Flaubert, Balzac (loves his sentences turned into paragraphs), especial the Fatal Skin. Since his treatment by Najma, he has taken a stronger interest in nonfiction books about personality types, psychology of mind and books and philosophy about reality, such as David Deutch on the Fabric of Reality and Stephen Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Favorite time is before sunrise reading the Le Monde while drinking coffee.

Favorite music – He still listens to his mother’s favorite, Édith Piaf. He likes both French, such as Serg Gaisnbourg, Johnny Hallyday. Jacques Dutronc, and Yves Montand but also music from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80s including the Eagles, the Graetful Dead, Steely Dan, Crosby Stills and Nash, and the Alman Brothers.

Favorite weapon – While trained in the use of weapons, it has never been his forte. His father was an avid deer hunter and sometimes took him duck hunting. He never enjoyed it.