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llamas Archives | RS PERRY

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Tag: <span>llamas</span>

O Trilogy


My first llama packing trip in the Pasayten Wilderness in north central Washington State was on a sunny September day. Not an unusual day for one of the largest wild areas in the lower US, which is shielded by mountain ranges to the west, effectively blocking the low lying Pacific rain clouds making their way eastward. The flowers were gone but the grasses and sedges were still green against blue sky. The llamas rarely lifted their heads as they gorged. It was peaceful and idyllic. Especially since there were no bugs. Why not? Well it seems the disappear when the flowers do. Not when it gets colder in this wilderness. Astonishing really – being out away from any human sounds, in nature, with no mosquitos and only the occasional fly. The Pasayten Wilderness became the inspiration for RS Perry’s book series. Image above is RS Perry llama packing in the Pasayten Wilderness near Cathedral Peak.

Most of my life I had been too busy to go llama packing or into the wilderness but life had changed. Lanette who lived on Wolf Canyon Ranch convinced me that there was more to llamas then just breeding them for profit. Prices reached a lofty high in the eighties and then cascaded down the right side of a bell shaped curve nearly as fast as they had risen. The business of breeding and selling had slowed allowing time to find out what else llamas were capable of. It turns out that they are wonderful animals, as I had always known they were, but living closely with them on the trail and in the mountain meadows – they became truly special.

The characters in Off The Edge, Over The Line and Out of Time are for the most part fictional or bits and pieces of lots of people all mixed into someone new. The llamas, however,  such as Pipestone , Shasta, Meteor are just as they were. the same colors, the same personalities, at least as I remember them.  It was the Pasayten Wilderness and the llamas, along with special people that inspired the book trilogy. And made them such a joy to write. Writing about them takes my mind back to the wonderful times spent in the ranch canyon, nestled partway between Twisp and Winthrop in the Methow Valley. Times that can’t be repeated but can be well remembered.

RS Perry llama packing in the Pasayten Wilderness


RS Perry Jim Johnson novels Pasayten Wilderness Weekly Posts


Llama Packing in the Pasayten Wilderness area in north central Washington State on the Canadian Border provides a way to see this wonderful wild area and take some of the comforts of home, such as a bottle of wine, a large tent, a queen-size sleeping bag and even frozen food. Llamas are great company and allow you to leave that 55 pound back pack at home. Llamas have soft padded feet and are gentle on the delicate mountain meadows. Of course they try to eat that meadow but they are grazers and pick at many of the sedges and grasses doing little harm to the environment if they are moved on a regular basis. While relaxing on the mountainside among the lupines you might consider reading Off The Edge as a way to spend part of a sunny summer afternoon. You might even be sitting in the exact spot where Heather or Jim sat in the novel.


Weekly Posts


A Very Happy New Year to all our readers! May you enjoy long hours of pleasure with RS Perrys Jim Johnson novels and may Najma never get you. Thank you for all your comments and photos. Keep them coming.

Outside your windows some of you will be seeing a warm, sunny day, others will see the snow sparkling or blowing in a cold East wind. Some won’t be able to see anything at all for fog or mist or darkness. Whatever you see , you can be sure that there will be people out there like Jim and Brush, General Crystal and Nielly, fighting against crime and injustice, using their skill and their brains and the latest technology. So while we have been having a good festive season with friends and family, let’s spare a thought for all those who sacrifice their comfort for our safety, whether in the military or any of its unknown branches.

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch, Heather and Duane and their helpers still have the llamas and the rest of the animals to tend to. They can’t take a day off for Christmas or New Year. They have to make sure there is water, not ice for all  to drink, the llamas have to have their salt to lick and they have to be checked to make sure any babies born are warm and cared for as llamas can give birth at any time of year. And very importantly, fences must be checked and made strong and safe as llamas, given the opportunity, like to have a romp  over the country side.

So stay warm and safe and dry by the fire while you can. And look forward to the next Jim Johnson novel, out this year.

Watch this space.