Vidya Chaudhary
- 09/06/201702/23/2025
- by RS Perry
Nickname – Vidya
D.O.B. – October 3, 1962
PLACE OF BIRTH – Singapore.
HEIGHT – Five feet eleven inches.
BUILD – Slim.
HAIR COLOR – Dark Brown, nearly black.
EYE COLOR – Brown.
FAMILY – From India, moved to Singapore when Vidya was 3 years old.
Mother –Layadawani Chaudhary
Father ─ Mahesh Chaudhary
Sister ─ Priyanka Chaudhary
Girlfriend ─ Misa.
BIRTH WEIGHT ─ unknown. mother says average.
HABITS ─ forgetting to shave. Getting up in the middle of the night to read.
PERSONALITY – Nice to everyone.
HOBBIES – Anything computers especially interested in new computation technologies. Photography.
PETS – None.
EDUCATION ─ National University of Singapore. PhD
OCCUPATION – Professor NUS on leave researching proposed computation technologies include Biological (DNA), Optical, Molecular, and Quantum computing techniques at Arizona State University.
CAREER – Graduated NUS. Became assistant professor and then associate professor before joining the Army computer group at Fort Huachuca, AZ.
MODUS OPERANDI – Soft spoken
BOOKS APPEARS OR IS MENTIONED IN – Over The Line, Out Of Time, and Ecuador, Neme.
OTHER INFORMATION – Likes to explore cities. But computers are his life. Has achieved Black Hat elite status.
Favorite music – Inch Chua, Queen, Prince, Randy Newman.
Favorite weapon – Ambivalent. Never used one until Mexico.
Favorite book – Watership Down, any popular physics book.
Favorite Movies – Not much time for movies. Mystic River, Wings of Desire, Legally Blonde, Casablanca.
Favorite Car – 1965 Ford Mustang. Drives a Prius. Rarely drives.