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Her family had no surname. Not uncommon with the Yaqui people of Mexico and the southern US. She has become an important character in RS Perry adventure novels, the O Trilogy and a fixture at Wolf Canyon Ranch.

Nickname – The only person that has ever given her a nickname is Heather who started calling her Lo.

D.O.B. – January 30, 1970

PLACE OF BIRTH – Ciudad Obrigón, Sonora, Mexico.

HEIGHT – Five feet.

BUILD – Round and sturdy.


EYE COLOR – Dark Brown.

DISTINGUISHING MARKS – Multiple back scars from beatings received.

FAMILY – Extended family from Cuauhtémoc, Rio Yaqui river valley, Sonora, Mexico. She has not seen her family since age 9. Her mother María died when Lola was 8 years old. Her father Ramirez didn’t worked as a laborer and did not have time for the family after his wife died. The three girls and one boy have never seen each other again. Her family had no last name.

Mother –María. Died when Lola was 8 years old.

Father ─ Ramirez. She has had no contact with him since she was 9 years old.

Sister ─ Three. She does not know where they are or if they are live or dead.

Son ─ Her son was killed by the cartel when he was 14 years old. Even though her life had never been easy, her son and hopes for a better life for him kept her spirit from dying. She had heard of a great northern warrior and named him Cajeme after him. He was born when Lola was 14 years old in Hermosillo. Lola became protective of the young Pedro after Najma brought him to the Hacienda. She hated and was terrified of the devil lady. She had never been curouagous nor even thought of it but with the help of a cartel underling she found the courage to try to escape with Pedro.

HABITS ─  Protective of people who are kind to her.

PERSONALITY – Most of her life was survival. She was taken from her family at 9 to work in the fields.

PETS – None. Animals are not her favorite. She has never had time or the inclination to have a pet.

EDUCATION ─ Her native language was Yaqui. However her father spoke Spanish. She learned to speak Spanish and some English while she worked as a field laborer.

HER LIFE – Taking care of her family until age 9. She worked in the watermelon fields as a picker and laborer near Hermosillo, Mexico. until age 19 when a cartel man with the Siastra Cartel took a fancy to her. He took Lola with him to Tubutama and Guillermo’s hacienda when she was 20. She convinced him to take her son. She performed menial tasks for the cartel. The man lost interest in her. She was an object to be used however the cartel men wished. As she aged into her late twenties the only men that still paid attention was when they were drunk. After her sone was killed the DEA approached her. She was generally too afraid to provide much information, however her anger at the cartel for killing her son gave the the courage for a small form of revenge. She is currently living at Wolf Canyon Ranch and has complete control of the kitchen, taking care of residents and especially Pedro.

MODUS OPERANDI – Keep control now that she is allowed to do so. Limit exposure to danger and take care of those she now loves.

BOOKS APPEARS OR MENTIONED IN –  Over The Line, Out Of Time, Ecuador, Nemesis, and Remilious

OTHER INFORMATION – Very good in the kitchen. Great cook

Favorite music – Mariachi of course.

Favorite weapon – Afraid of guns. Afraid to leave the ranch house.

Favorite book – Heather spent much time teaching her to read starting with children’s books. She has been struggling her way through Rio Grand Wedding.

Favorite Movies – She had seen only a few movies at the Tubutama hacienda but at Wolf Canyon Ranch she has taken a liking to some. So far three have especially appealed to her Men With Guns, Babe and The Gods Must Be Crazy.

Favorite Food – Traditional Mexican cooking with some new found favorites such as beer stew. Hummus on Ritz crackers and Gummy bears.